Men, unlike women, are more excited by physical contact with a woman, by physical components. A woman's appearance is very important to them. While emotional components and the presence of a spiritual connection are important to women, they often turn a blind eye to physical imperfections. It is important for her to be sure that she is loved and that her partner will not leave her after sexual intercourse. Excitement itself, the desire for sex, is part of the strongest instinct - the instinct of procreation.
Everything is transparent here, if a woman becomes pregnant, then she will need the help of a male while she raises the child. And at this time a man can fertilize a countless number of females. Sounds cynical, but that's natureinstinctprocreation of a man's lineage: leaving as many healthy offspring behind as possible. Therefore, a man’s arousal has a simpler mechanism.
How does a man experience arousal?

It’s not for nothing that they say that a man cannot reason sensibly when there is a woman nearby who turns him on. He really begins to think worse at this moment.Indicators of sexual arousalfor men are:
- Erection. Perhaps the most striking and obvious manifestation. But an erection does not only occur when aroused; it can simply be a full bladder or a morning erection;
- Rapid pulse, thanks to it, breathing also becomes more frequent;
- Dilated pupils, the look itself becomes glassy;
- Changeusualtimbrevoices, he becomes hoarse and breathy;
- Redness of the skin, a strong blush may appear on the face;
Arousal can build and build if sexual intercourse does not occur immediately. But you should not drag out this game, otherwise the excitement will begin to subside or premature ejaculation will occur.
What exactly turns a man on?
It would seem that it is enough to undress and the man is ready. But everything is not so simple and true excitement is the result of a combination ofmany factors. One of them, of course, is that a man should find a woman attractive.
He determines this at some animal level.He's attracted toher appearance, timbre of voice, smell, facial expressions, plasticity of movements. But, besides this, certain actions, a woman’s body and even the colors of clothing can drive him into a frenzy.
Actions that excite

There are actions on the part of a woman that can spur an existing passion or even generate a new one:
- A woman's willingness to surrenderalways and everywhere, but only to a certain man. The realization that the partner is easy-going, and that such a treasure is only in his hands, fuels the man’s desire.
- Spontaneous caresses, woman's initiative. If she suddenly starts caressing him herself, and even in a place that is not entirely suitable for this, for example, in an elevator, then the man may completely lose his head.
- Sight. A man can really be turned on by a woman’s inviting gaze, which says: "Come to me, try to conquer me, maybe I won’t mind. "
- Keep it new. Men are generally excited by everything new. A new place for possible sex, a new style of clothing for his partner, her new perfume, her hairstyle.
- Stimulation of erogenous zones. Men have fewer of them than women, but they still exist. In addition to intimate places, most often these are the back of the neck, the auricle and the abdomen.
- Wear sexy clothes. Whatever they say, men are turned on by certain clothes, even if they are not appropriate everywhere. These are mainly tight clothes made of thin fabric or leather, short minis and a deep neckline.
- Gait, in which the hips sway and the chest sways will definitely excite a man.
- Beautiful plasticdancegirls with a beautiful figure. Especially if she slowly undresses while doing it.
Female body and arousal
First of all, a man perceivesoverall image, as the totality of all physical data. And if the image catches his eye, then he looks at it and notes the details. Looking at certain parts of the body has a particularly stimulating effect.
Most often thisbutt and breasts. There are, of course, aesthetes who are excited by ankles or ears, but this is rather a feature. What excites you more is very individual, some may be more excited by breasts, and others by buttocks. Many people are still turned on by their tummy, and not by the abs, but by a small soft tummy.
Sex positions

Preference in poses depends ontemperamentin bed and on how expensive the partner is.
- Missionary position. If this is sex between people who really miss each other, then most likely the man will be more turned on by this position. This way he can caress the breasts, stroke the hair and face, and kiss the woman on the lips.
- Like a dogordoggy style. There is something animalistic about this position and this moment turns a man on during sex.
- Girl on top, both facing the partner and vice versa. At the moment of intercourse, the woman controls everything: the depth of insertion, the pace, and when to stop, all this depends on her, that’s what makes this position special. And the view that opens before a man will not leave him indifferent.
- Near the wall. There is something cinematic about this pose. Men love this position for its entertainment value, although in itself it is not very comfortable and the introduction is not maximum.
What is also especially important is that a man loves to see his partner during sex, so they prefer all positions in which the details of what is happening are as visible as possible. And the light should be on, and the partner should be completely undressed.
What colors can excite a man?
A naked body excites you already at the moment of sex. But before that, a man is interested in undressing a woman, first down to her underwear, and then completely. It’s also importantwhat colourShe will be wearing toiletries and underwear.
When choosing underwear and clothes, women should know what excites men mostred,blackAndpurplecolors of underwear and clothes. These colors promise a man experience and sensuality in bed. AwhiteAndbeigecolors excite those who like very young, inexperienced girls.
Why men are turned on by women's breasts

It's no secret that lush and high breasts turn on almost all men. But if you think about it, what’s so special about it, why, for example, doesn’t another part of the body turn on? From point of viewbiology- this is the biggest mystery, in other mammals the breasts increase exclusively before feeding, and they do not attract males, only cubs. And in sexually mature human females it is always increased and men react to this with excitement.
Reasonsthere may be several:
- In women, the nipples and the breasts themselves are the strongesterogenous zone, and men want to excite women by caressing their breasts.
- It is customary for people to hide their breasts, and the forbidden fruit is sweet.
- Only people have sex in front of each other.
- Breasts are whatdistinguishesman and woman and what is associated with feminine warmth.
- And also, most likely, the point here isinstinctprocreation. The main purpose of breasts is to feed babies. And a woman’s large breasts subconsciously tell her that she will feed her offspring well. But to be honest, in reality this is not always the case; the amount of milk does not depend on the size of the breast. This is what subconsciously attracts men. After all, the very desire to copulate is the desire to continue the race, to leave offspring.